Prof. Jasone Cenoz
Jasone Cenoz serves on the Advisory Council of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI), the board of the Basque Institute for Educational Evaluation and Research, and the ISEAK Foundation. Until recently, she was the Professor of Education at the University of the Basque Country. Her research focuses on multilingual education, bilingualism, multilingualism, and minority languages. Cenoz has published a large number of articles and books such as A Panorama of Linguistic Landscape Studies (2024), The Minority Language as a Second language (2024) and Pedagogical Translanguaging (2021), all in collaboration with Durk Gorter.

Prof. Durk Gorter
Durk Gorter is the retired Ikerbasque Research Professor at the University of the Basque Country. He carries out research on European minority languages, multilingual education, and linguistic landscapes. Recent publications are A Panorama of Linguistic Landscape Studies (2024), Pedagogical Translanguaging (2021) and The Minority Language as a Second language (2024) all co-edited with Jasone Cenoz. Moreover, Gorter has also edited three books on linguistic landscapes. In 2018, Gorter received the award of Distinguished Scholar of Multilingualism from the International Association of Multilingualism.

Dr Diana Lindsay
Diana Lindsay is a teacher, teacher trainer, and materials writer. She has lived and worked in Africa, the UK, Italy, China, and Qatar. Since 1988 she has been working in the Basque Country with the British Council, the Basque Government, the University of the Basque Country, the University of Deusto, HUHEZI, and the Federation of Ikastolas. Lindsay has written over twenty stories for young learners and co-authored story-based, project-based and CLIL-based materials for primary and secondary school. Her current interests include integrated multilingual school language planning, mapping teacher competences, and the use of stories in early language learning.

Prof. Roel van Steensel
coming soon

Prof. Christine Hélot
coming soon

Prof. Jim Cummins
coming soon

Dr Myrte Gosen
coming soon