Read with Multilingual Early Education
A 3-year Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnerships in School Education project

Our key priorities

Interactive book reading
Reading with young children in engaging ways can greatly improve their language development.

We should appreciate all the languages children know, whether they are majority, minority, regional, migrant, or refugee languages.

Shared European expertise
We can learn from our colleagues in Europe since improving children’s literacy skills is a challenge we can best tackle together.
Our project roadmap
While a lot more work will be done behind the scenes to achieve these goals, we look forward to celebrating these milestones!
The Consortium meets in Leeuwarden to mark the start of the project
Local roundtables
The consortium partners discuss best practices with local professionals
Launch handbook
The Handbook-INC is launched during an international webinar
Launch library
The online library with inclusive multilingual books is launched
Launch videos
All videos with expert interviews and best practices across Europe are live
Launch game
The app with the serious game is launched during an international webinar
End of project
The project is wrapped up and all outputs are ready to be used!